Recording system, v. 6 — switching to a more wide-band and clear SE-piezocrystal caused problems with the tone balance, especially on the HF, where the resonance of the «crystal — damper — cantilever» came out of the shadow. Depending on the type of adapter and cantilever, it could be reduced as much as 7-8 kHz, which, of course, was unacceptable. There were two solutions — to use a flexible factory adapter that suppresses the resonance by 90%, or to somehow reduce the weight of the system.
The version with a flexible adapter-damper solved the problems with parasitic resonances and stereo playback at once, but made the frequency response of the amplitude sensor close to the frequency response of the speed sensor, that is, it cut the bass with the order of 6 dB per octave. It was still possible to somehow fight with this, but even the best damper that was available sounded insufficiently expressive, and this, alas, could not treated. It was decided to cut down the metal of the needle holder to the maximum and change the adapter to a cork one. With great difficulty, but it was possible to drive the resonance of the system into an inaudible zone, while the optimal thickness of the adapter was too large and not flexible enough to listen to stereo records with a high level of low frequencies, against their background, distortions appeared in the sound, similar to a tape recording with LF overload. The issue with stereo was postponed for later, mono at first glance was not bad.