Billie Holiday and Teddy Wilson, 1947 78 rpm shellac rip

The 1947 Columbia Hot Jazz Classic is a re-release of records from the 1930s and 1940s. The records are quite worn out, the quality is so-so — it is the tape re-recording with all the ensuing losses. Musically, Billy’s tandem with Wilson is great, never later was she so lucky with her partner.

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Oscar Peterson — Plays Pretty, 1952 LP

From the point of view of musicality, the recording is great. By the mid-1950s it is almost impossible to find tracks on the LP recorded with such warmth and expressiveness, in the 1960s studios with such a sound were already absent, as a class. The record itself is ruined by bad needles. However, if you listen to it on a old tube system, a warm, enveloping sound fills the room so that the cracks will not interfere at all. Oscar Peterson is young here, his fingers are not clogged with cliches, and the most important thing — maestro does not play too fast passages, which makes a very pleasant impression.

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Modern Jazz Quartet — Pyramid, 1960LP

Sound quality is very good for 1960, the vibraphone is excellent. There is somewhat lacking of overall clarity, but jazz club atmosphere is very pleasant and above all — how great the Pyramid performed!

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Billie Holiday — Stay With Me, 1958 LP mono Rip

В записи провалены низы и проблемы с сибилянтами, но голос Билли вполне живой и в форме. Песни, похоже, были записаны в середине 1950х, так как к 1958му голос у певицы совсем охрип.

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Billie Holiday — Stay With Me, 1958 LP mono Rip

The record lacks the bottom support and has problems with the sibilants, but Billy’s voice is quite lively and in a good shape. The songs seem to have been recorded in the mid-1950s, since by 1958 the singer's voice was already quite harsh.

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Billie Holiday sings, 1950 LP rip

NEW — Energophone take — 28-02-2020

Compilation of records of the 1930s, the record in decent condition, light cracks are present. The golden period of the great Billie Holiday's work.

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Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.1 — Oystrakh-Gauck, 1955 LP Rip

A special record by its nature. Andantino creates a wary, mystical mood — a surreal atmosphere that keeps you in suspense until the very end of the concert.

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Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.1 — Oystrakh-Kondrashin, 1957 LP Rip

RTU RSFSR 618-57 — the record is similar to the TU-1kl of the early 1950s — all the music in the palm of your hand. The Oistrakh’s violin is crystal clear, rhythmically and dynamically adjusted, melodic. Kondrashin’s orchestra is also on its top.

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An Audio Glossary by J. Gordon Holt

Subjective audio is the evaluation of reproduced sound quality by ear. It is based on the novel idea that, since audio equipment is made to be listened to, what it sounds like is more important than how it measures. This was a natural outgrowth of the 1950s high-fidelity «revolution,» which spawned the notion that a component, and an audio system as a whole, should reproduce what is fed into it, without adding anything to it or subtracting anything from it.

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