Billie Holiday and Teddy Wilson, 1947 78 rpm shellac rip

The 1947 Columbia Hot Jazz Classic is a re-release of records from the 1930s and 1940s. The records are quite worn out, the quality is so-so – it is the tape re-recording with all the ensuing losses. Musically, Billy’s tandem with Wilson is great, never later was she so lucky with her partner.

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Coleman Hawkins – 1940th 78rpm shellac rip

Hawkins plays and sounds very good. The lovely LO-FI disks of the 1940s are mostly worn out, especially "Mop Mop" with Art Tatum's chic solo.

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Billie Holiday – vol1, 1954 Jolly Roger LP mono

Re-release of 1930s-40s records on the pirate label Jolly Roger, 1954. The recors are cut from home made tape copies with very large HF losses, which can be estimated by listening on YouTube to the one remastered from the original tape – I’ll Never Be The Same. I didn’t want to mess with such LP, but then I decided to leave it as an example, and the songs are good, the best times of the great Lady Day. Also listen to Teddy Wilson’s solo on the same I’ll Never Be The Same, it is a balm for the soul. What a pity I have no original.

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Teddy Wilson and Piano Pastries, 1952 LP

Lo-Fi recording transferred to 10 ‘ LP from shellac sources by Mercury. The record is worn so that there is not a single living shine left on the tracks, the surface is matte gray. The recording sounds like it was recorded on an old cassette player, especially the gorgeous Sweet Georgia Brown. Wilson, despite everything, is still very well alive!

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Teddy Wilson and his piano, 1950 LP

Lo-Fi recording, transferred by Columbia to LP from shellac sources. In parallel with such 10 ‘long-playing records, 10’ albums of 78-rpm records were released. The recording on shellac was more full-bodied and expressive, but something remained even on the LP. Despite the extreme technical imperfection of the recording, Wilson’s drive is well felt and pleasantly excites the nervous system.

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