Сеговия не обладал идеальной техникой, однако он умел создавать необычайно теплую и самодостаточную атмосферу на инструменте, который до него считался пригодным только для аккомпанимента. Его талант был оценен даже королем Испании, даровавшем ему титул маркиза.
Anton, nice, very nice! There was not enough guitar music on the site before.
I understand that your primary interest is still in shellac, but in case you wanted to show off the new BTM player with hedonistic pop music, then I request Bob Dylan records from the 1960s.
Anton, nice, very nice! There was not enough guitar music on the site before.
I understand that your primary interest is still in shellac, but in case you wanted to show off the new BTM player with hedonistic pop music, then I request Bob Dylan records from the 1960s.
Thanks! Of course, I’d love to brag a little, but I don’t have those records.